Dear NASET News, Welcome to NASET'sWEEK in REVIEW. Here, we provide you with the latest publications from NASET to read and or download, as well as some of the most interesting articles that have happened this week in the field of special education. We hope you enjoy this publication. Feel free to send us articles for this publication or let us know your thoughts about the WEEK in REVIEW at Have a great weekend.
NASET News Team |
NEW THIS WEEK ON NASETNASET's HOW TO SeriesHow To Identify High Risk Students A high-risk student is usually a student that is experiencing possibly severe emotional, social, environmental or academic stress. As a result of this intense turmoil, many symptoms are generated in a dynamic attempt to alleviate the anxiety. Read More |
NASET's HOW TO SeriesHow To Detect ADD in Your Students Accurate and early diagnosis is crucial for the child with Attention Deficit Disorder. This will facilitate a treatment plan and reduce the chances of secondary problems. Read More |
NASET's The Practical Teacher7 Things Secondary Special Education Teachers Need to Know Concerning Career Technical Education. By Dr. Christine Carrington Powell
This issue of NASET's Practical Teacher was written by Dr. Christina Powell. There is an educational refocusing on college and career readiness, and high schools now serve an increased role in preparing students to graduate and to be both academically prepared for college and possess skills to be vocationally ready (Mathis, 2010). The emphasis on career and postsecondary education is of significance to educators working with Students with Disabilities (SWD), as Special Education teachers play a fundamental role in informing and educating individuals about the importance of career readiness. The 7 points highlighted below provide context for understanding why Career Technical Education (CTE) needs to be a part of the conversations Special Educators have with students receiving special education services and the stakeholders that support them. Read More |
Babies with Hearing Loss Form Better Vocabulary with Early InterventionChildren with hearing loss who are diagnosed by 3 months of age and receive interventions by 6 months develop a far greater vocabulary than those whose diagnosis and treatment come later, according to a CU Boulder study published this week in the journal Pediatrics. Yet 17 years after early detection guidelines were established, nearly half of babies with hearing loss aren't meeting them, the study found. "We still have some work to do," said lead author Christine Yoshinaga-Itano, an audiologist and research professor in the Institute of Cognitive Science. "Because the brain is so pliable in those early months, the sooner we can get them diagnosed and get them access to language, the more likely they will be able to develop on track with their peers." Read More |
Maternal Obesity During Pregnancy May Be Linked to Behavioral Problems in BoysMaternal obesity and child neurodevelopmental problems have both increased in the U.S. and scientists have suggested a possible link. A new study has found that the heavier mothers were when they entered pregnancy, the higher the risk of behavior problems for their sons. However, it did not show the same effects in girls. The results are reported in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. "The study results suggest that early intervention with women to attain healthy weights before they become pregnant is critical to their health and the health of their future children," commented senior investigator Barbara Abrams, DrPH, of the Division of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley. Read More |

ADHD Medication Tied to Lower Risk for Alcohol, Drug Abuse in Teens and AdultsThe use of medication to treat attention deficient hyperactivity disorder is linked to significantly lower risk for substance use problems in adolescents and adults with ADHD, according to a study led by researchers at Indiana University. The risk of substance use problems during periods of medication use was 35 percent lower in men and 31 percent lower in women in the study. The results, based upon nearly 3 million people with ADHD in the United States, are reported in the American Journal of Psychiatry. "This study contributes to growing evidence that ADHD medication is linked to lower risk for many types of harmful behavior, including substance abuse," said Patrick D. Quinn, a postdoctoral researcher in the IU Bloomington College of Arts and Sciences' Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, who led the study. "The results also highlight the importance of careful diagnosis and compliance with treatment." Read More |
Higher Use of Health Care Services Throughout Adult Life Linked with Traumatic ChildhoodsExperiencing physical, sexual or emotional abuse as a child, or other stresses such as living in a household affected by domestic violence, substance abuse or mental illness, can lead to higher levels of health service use throughout adulthood. A research paper in the Journal of Health Service Research & Policy provides, for the first time, the statistical evidence showing that, regardless of socio-economic class or other demographics, people who have adverse childhood experiences use more health and medical services through their lifetime. The researchers conclude that investing in preventing or reducing adverse childhood experiences as well as addressing the resulting trauma in those who have experienced ACEs, can help reduce future health service demand and costs. Read More |
Environmental Pollution Exposure During Pregnancy Increases Asthma Risk for Three GenerationsExposure to environmental pollutants during pregnancy may increase the risk of asthma for as many as three consecutive generations, according to new research. The study is published ahead of print in the American Journal of Physiology -- Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology. Researchers studied three generations of mice born to mothers that were exposed to either diesel exhaust particles or urban air particle concentrate during pregnancy. The research team compared cells from the lungs of the first, second and third generations of offspring to three generations of control offspring that were not exposed to the pollutants. All generations descended from mothers exposed to diesel exhaust particles had an abnormal increase in a type of immune cell, a common marker for allergy. Offspring of pollutant-exposed ancestors also showed elevated levels of interleukin proteins that are involved in regulating the immune system, which are a marker of asthma risk. However, the increase was more prominent in the first and second generations, suggesting that inherited risk factors lessen in further removed generations. Read More |
Optimal Methods for Administering Children's MedicationsNew research published conducted by a research team from the University of Liverpool and Alder Hey Children's Hospital, aims to help solve the problem of dose optimization of children's medicines. Medicines can have different effects on different people. The effects in children can vary due to changes that take place as they grow and develop. Historically, there has been very little focus on pediatric clinical pharmacology, and there are still a lot of unknowns with regard to optimally delivering medicines to children. In many pediatric populations worldwide the proportion of children who are overweight and obese is increasing, but there is wide geographical variation (from 16.9% in the USA to 0.5% in Denmark). The dosage of many children's drugs is based on total body weight (TBW) unfortunately obesity can cause problems establishing the best dose. Read More |
Board Certification in Special Education Available to NASET Members Through an agreement with The American Academy of Special Education Professionals(AASEP), NASET members now have the opportunity to achieve AASEP Board Certification in Special Education - (B.C.S.E.) at a reduced fee. AASEP Board Certification in Special Education - (B.C.S.E.) is a voluntary choice on the part of the candidate. The candidate for Board Certification wishes to demonstrate a commitment to excellence to employers, peers, administrators, other professionals, and parents. From the standpoint of the Academy, board certification will demonstrate the highest professional competency in the area of special education. Board Certification in Special Educationestablishes a much needed standard for professionals, across disciplines, who work with exceptional children.Read More |
Heavy Drinking During Adolescence: Dire Effects on the BrainWhat would a celebration be without alcohol, whether we are talking about a private or professional event? Drinking alcohol, is a well-engrained and long-standing social habit in many countries around the world, even though the fact that alcohol has an impact on one's health is largely established, especially when it comes to heavy drinking. In particular, adolescents are known to enjoy their drinking games and nights-out without worrying much about the effects alcohol can have on their health. In fact, drinking in high quantities is common during adolescence with nearly 25% of high school seniors in the US reporting that they got drunk in the last 30 days. The effects of heavy drinking among young people on the brain have been looked at closely in a mini review published in Frontiers in Psychology by Anita Cservenka, Assistant Professor at Oregon State University Read More |
Language Development Starts in the WombA month before they are born, fetuses carried by American mothers-to-be can distinguish between someone speaking to them in English and Japanese. Using non-invasive sensing technology from the University of Kansas Medical Center for the first time for this purpose, a group of researchers from KU's Department of Linguistics has shown this in-utero language discrimination. Their study published in the journal NeuroReport has implications for fetal research in other fields, the lead author says. "Research suggests that human language development may start really early -- a few days after birth," said Utako Minai, associate professor of linguistics and the team leader on the study. "Babies a few days old have been shown to be sensitive to the rhythmic differences between languages. Previous studies have demonstrated this by measuring changes in babies' behavior; for example, by measuring whether babies change the rate of sucking on a pacifier when the speech changes from one language to a different language with different rhythmic properties, Minai said. Read More |
TRIVIA QUESTION OF THE WEEK What is the name of the learning disability that affects writing abilities and can manifest itself as difficulties with spelling, poor handwriting and trouble putting thoughts on paper?
If you know the answer, email us at by August 7, 2017. We will acknowledge your correct answer in the next edition of the Week in Review
Females with Autism Show Greater Difficulty with Day-to-Day Tasks than Male CounterpartsWomen and girls with autism may face greater challenges with real world planning, organization and other daily living skills, according to a study published in the journal Autism Research. Led by researchers within the Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders at Children's National Health System, the National Institute of Mental Health, and The George Washington University, the study is the largest to date examining executive function-including the ability to make a plan, get organized, and follow through on the plan as needed-and adaptive skills-ability to perform basic daily tasks like getting up and dressed or making small talk- in women and girls with ASD. Read More |

Depression Among Young Teens Linked to Cannabis Use at 18A study looking at the cumulative effects of depression in youth, found that young people with chronic or severe forms of depression were at elevated risk for developing a problem with cannabis in later adolescence. The study led by UW Medicine researchers interviewed 521 students recruited from four Seattle public middle schools. Researchers used data from annual assessments when students were ages 12-15 and then again when they were 18. The results were published in the journal Addiction. "The findings suggest that if we can prevent or reduce chronic depression during early adolescence, we may reduce the prevalence of cannabis use disorder," said lead author Isaac Rhew, research assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Read More |
Late-Breaking Mutations May Play an Important Role in AutismA study of nearly 6,000 families, combining three genetic sequencing technologies, finds that mutations that occur after conception play an important role in autism. A team led by investigators at Boston Children's Hospital and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard reports the findings in Nature Neuroscience. Over the past decade, mutations to more than 60 different genes have been linked with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), including spontaneous, non-inherited (de novo) mutations. But much of autism still remains unexplained. The study, led by first author Elaine Lim, PhD, of Boston Children's, and senior author Christopher Walsh, MD, PhD, of Boston Children's and the Broad Institute, delved into an emerging category of de novo mutations: those found in only a subset of our cells. Read More |
Art Therapy Best Practices for Children with AutismA Florida State University researcher is working with art therapists to find better ways to treat children who have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Theresa Van Lith, assistant professor of art therapy in FSU's Department of Art Education, led a study that surveyed art therapists working with children with ASD to develop a clearer understanding of their techniques and approaches. The study was published this month in the journal Arts in Psychotherapy. "I had noticed that is there is a high number of art therapists working with people who have autism, but I wanted to understand what their practice wisdoms were in terms of how they go about facilitating art therapy sessions," Van Lith said. "We want to make it a transparent process for the client or the parents of a client, so they know what to expect." Read More |
Causes of Severe Antisocial Behavior May Differ for Boys and GirlsThe causes of severe antisocial behavior may differ between boys and girls, which could pave the way for new sex-specific treatments, according to a major new study published. Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-techniques to map the brains of over 200 teenagers aged 14 -- 18 years, researchers from the University of Bath (UK) and several other European universities conducted the most comprehensive study ever to analyze differences in brain development between children with conduct disorder (CD) and a group of typically-developing children (the control group). Findings from the study, which involved 96 young people with CD and 104 typically-developing young people, are published today in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Read More |
Similar Improvements Between Speech Language Therapy Delivered Online and In-PersonTelerehabilitation helps healthcare professionals reach more patients in need, but some worry it doesn't offer the same quality of care as in-person treatment. This isn't the case, according to recent research by Baycrest. The study, published in the journal Aphasiology, found that patients who accessed speech language therapy over the Internet saw large improvements to their communication abilities that were similar to those of patients doing in-person therapy. This finding encourages greater adoption of telerehabilitation to treat patients living in remote communities who are recovering from post-stroke communication disorders as a way to improve the use of limited healthcare resources. Read More |
She Works with Big Bird, Colleges and Companies to Raise Awareness, Acceptance of AutismWhen Big Bird met Julia earlier this year, it was an important moment, even if they didn't hit it off at first. The iconic yellow bird was dismayed when the new character didn't make conversation, or return his high five. But soon he was hopping behind her in a special game of tag she created. And so the "Sesame Street" world welcomed its first character with autism. Among Julia's most ardent fans was Laura Klinger, a longtime autism researcher and director of the TEACCH Autism Program at UNC-Chapel Hill. She served as a consultant with the program as the character was created. Read More |

* Certified Special Education Teacher - Prepare and help students transition from grade to grade and after graduation, monitor the facilitation of life skills curriculum, actively participate in program academic activities and perform administrative functions as needed.To learn more - Click here*Middle School Special Education Inclusion Teacher - Seeking two Middle School Special Education teachers for the 2017-2018 school year to teach in the seventh-eighth grade inclusion classes. Teachers will follow the students to each class and support special needs students alongside their typically developing peers by modifying instruction and making accommodations. Collaborative planning with the general education teacher is expected.To learn more - Click here *Pennsylvania Certified Teachers- All teachers must have a commitment to inclusive practices and have an ability to involve families in the educational process. Bi-lingual skills are a plus. To learn more - Click here *Learning Specialist - Private girls high school seeks learning specialist to work with students in remediation. Hours mid-morning to afternoon dismissal at 5:15, Monday - Thursday, and Fridays 9-1. To learn more - Click here *Special Ed / ICT / Teacher (3rd or 5th Grade) - Collaborate with colleagues in developing purposeful, rigorous, and engaging daily and long-term plans aligned to standards and in regularly revising these materials. To learn more - Click here *High School SpEd Teacher (Los Angeles, CA) - At Bright Star Schools, students achieve academic excellence, accept responsibility for their futures, and embrace school as family. We offer students the opportunity to develop their unique talents and ambitions in a supportive, collaborative environment. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Teachers- All Areas - Stafford County Public Schools is actively seeking qualified applicants for Special Education Teachers in All Areas. Please visit our website to learn more about our opportunities and benefits. To learn more- Click here
*Inclusive SpEd Instructional Coordinator - The Inclusive Education Instructional Coordinator will work closely with the Director(s) of Inclusive Education, Lead Inclusion Specialist Teachers (ISTs), School Psychologists, and school site administrators to plan and execute a comprehensive improvement plan to increase student achievement for our students with special needs. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Specialist - The primary responsibility of the Special Education Specialist is to provide instruction and other related services to Special Education students. The Special Education Specialist will also facilitate diagnostic assessment including administration, scoring and interpretation. To learn more - Click here
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