Issue #20: Assistive Technology
The April issue of NASET's Educating Children with Severe Disabilities series will cover the following topic:
Assistive Technology
The focus of this section will be to learn about:
An overview of assistive technology devices available to individuals with disabilities. After reading this section you should understand the following:
Assistive Technology Defined
Assistive Technology Devices
Assistive Technology Devices-A Historical Overview
IDEA 1997 and Assistive Technology
Applying Assistive Technology in Instruction
Computer Technology
Computer Technology and Educational Software
Technology Applications-Case Studies
Selecting Assistive Technology Equipment: Becoming Informed
Integrating Technology into the Student’s IEP
State Level Support for Assistive Technology
Factors for Success
Funding for Assistive Technology Devices and Services in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 1997
Concluding Thoughts
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