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Title:Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation
Total Number of Slides: 30
PowerPoint Description: Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation is a PowerPoint presentation that looks at the specific requirements of IDEA regarding the initial evaluation of a child suspected of having a disability and how the results are applied to determining the child's eligibility for special education and related services. The reevaluation process is also described.

Title:Calculating the Age of a Student for Assessment Purposes
Total Number of Slides: 28
PowerPoint Description: Step-by-step explanation of how to calculate a child’s age for special education assessment. Slides offer model examples and practice problems.

Title:Eligibility Evaluation
Total Number of Slides: 12
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation is a 12-silde review of the eligibility procedures and process for students going through the assessment process for a suspected disability.

Title:Identification of High Risk Students
Total Number of Slides: 35
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation focuses on the differences between symptoms versus problems, characteristics of high risk students, avoidance behavior patterns associated with high risk students, and “energy drain” and its effect on learning.

Title:Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation
Total Number of Slides: 30
PowerPoint Description: Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation is a PowerPoint presentation that looks at the specific requirements of IDEA regarding the initial evaluation of a child suspected of having a disability and how the results are applied to determining the child's eligibility for special education and related services. The reevaluation process is also described.

Title: Introduction to Evaluation under IDEA
Total Number of Slides: 17
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation introduces basic principles and requirements that schools must follow for evaluation, including:

  • the purposes of evaluation
  • parent notification and consent
  • use of the student's native language during evaluation
  • the tenets of sound, valid, individualized evaluation

Title:Non-Discriminatory Evaluations under IDEA
Total Number of Slides: 9
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation addresses the 6 criteria necessary for an evaluation to be considered “nondiscriminatory” under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. 

Title:Overview of Assessment in Special Education
Total Number of Slides: 49
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation gives a comprehensive overview of the basic points of assessment in special education.  Topics covered include: definition of assessment, multidisciplinary teams, comprehensive assessment batteries, methods of assessment, observations, portfolios, and types of tests used in assessment (norm-referenced and criterion referenced).

Title:Scoring Terminology Used in Assessment
Total Number of Slides: 18
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation describes scoring terminology common to evaluations and reports in special education.  These include such terms as: basal, ceiling, raw scores, standard scores, percentiles, stanines, age equivalents, and grade equivalents.

Title:Statistics Used in the Assessment of Children for Special Education
Total Number of Slides: 18
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation explains statistics often used in the assessment of children for a suspected disability.  Topics covered include: definition of statistics, mean, median, mode, range, standard deviation, normal curve.  Practice problems and many examples are offered.

Title:  Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Comprehensive Report in Special Education
Total Number of Slides: 66
Description: This PowerPoint presentation provides a detailed description of how to write an educational report in special education.  Each section of a report is discussed, along with model examples given.  After all sections are covered, a model report is explained in a step-by-step fashion.

Title:Wechsler Individualized Achievement Test-2 (WIAT-2): An Overview
Total Number of Slides: 43
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation explains the various components of the WIAT-2.  The WIAT-2 is one of the most frequently used academic achievement tests used in schools today.  The 43 slides cover the format of the test, key points regarding administration, and all subtests.

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Title:  Autism: An Overview
Total Number of Slides:  50
PowerPoint Description:  This PowerPoint presentation covers a basic overview of autism.  Categories include: definition of autism, autism, as defined under DSM-IV, causes of autism, general characteristics of children with autism, and the various types of autism (Aspergers, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, and Retts Syndrome).

Title:Teaching Students with Autism-Step-by-Step
Total Number of Slides: 124
PowerPoint Description: This 124 slide PowerPoint presentation gives an in-depth view of the various methods, styles, and effective teaching techniques when educating children with autism.  The presentation takes a step-by-step approach to help the reader with practical tools for the classroom.

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Title:Overview of Disruptive Behavior Problems
Description: This presentation addresses a variety of disruptive behavior disorders frequently observed special education programs. The presentation also discusses the management of behavior disorders in the classroom.
Number of Slides: 44

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Title: Effective Classroom Strategies
Total Number of Slides: 20
PowerPoint Description:  This PowerPoint presentation was created by the State of Utah.  It covers effective classroom management strategies for social and academic behavior.

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Title: 9 Ways to Adapt Curriculum
This presentation addresses a variety of methods used to adapt curriculum for students with special needs. This presentation is suitable for Resource Room, Inclusion, Self Contained and Regular Education teachers. It will provide you with the tools to increase a student’s ability to succeed and accomplish taks in school.
Number of Slides: 18

Title: Factors Effecting Curriculum Performance
This presentation addresses the eight factors that may interfere in a student’s ability to succeed while performing in school. It touches on the various types of stress and experiences that may reduce a student’s capacity to concentrate and perform the various areas in the curriculum.
Number of Slides: 79

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Title:  Child Find
Total Number of Slides: 10
PowerPoint Description:  This PowerPoint presentation was created by the State of Utah.  It is a brief overview of childfind, what “Find” means, how we find children at risk, and educational implications.

Title: IFSP—The Individualized Family Service Plan
Total Number of Slides: 43
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation covers the basic principles of an IFSP.  Topics covered include: How the IFSP differs from the IEP, definition of IFSP, writing effective IFSPs, intervention strategies, and components of an IFSP as required by federal law.

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Title: Emotional Disturbance - An Overview
Total Number of Slides: 62
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation focuses on students with emotional and behavioral disorders.  Topics covered include: IDEA definition of ED, incidence, characteristics, academic symptoms, classroom management, and types of behavioral disorders seen in students classified as students with an emotional disturbance.

Title:  Emotional Disturbance and the Least Restrictive Environment
Total Number of Slides: 14
PowerPoint Description:  This PowerPoint presentation focuses on the various types of educational placements where students with emotional and behavioral disorders are educated.  These placements include the general education classroom, resource room, self-contained classroom, separate schools/alternative schools, residential facilities, and hospitals.  Each placement is explained along with the associated prevalence rates

Title: Emotional Disturbance and Prevalence Rates
Total Number of Slides: 14
PowerPoint Description:  This PowerPoint presentation addresses just how common emotional and behavioral disorders are in students throughout the United States.  It discusses why ED is considered one of the “Big 4”, as well as gender discrepancies, the differemce between internalizing and externalizing behaviors, and age discrepancies.

Title:Emotional Disturbance - Understanding the Definition under IDEA
Total Number of Slides: 23
PowerPoint Description:  This PowerPoint presentation focuses exclusively on the federal law’s definition of emotional disturbance.  Under IDEA, the definition of emotional disturbance is very detailed.  It is also highly controversial.  These slides will address each part of the definition, as well as address the controversy surrounding who is a child with an emotional disturbance and who is not.

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Title: Teaching Gifted and Talented Students
Total Number of Slides: 31
Powerpoint Description:  This PowerPoint presentation gives a broad overview of what constitutes the gifted child.  Topics covered include:  definition of giftedness, prevalence rates of gifted students, the difference between bright children and gifted children, characteristics of gifted children, and effective teaching strategies when educating gifted children in the classroom.

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Title: Understanding the Major Principles under IDEA
Total Number of Slides: 32
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation focuses on the 7 major principles of IDEA.  These principles are covered under the following topic categories: informed consent, zero reject, free appropriate public school education, nondiscriminatory evaluation, least restrictive environment, IEP development, and due process.


Title: Non-Discriminatory Evaluations under IDEA
Total Number of Slides: 9
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation addresses the 6 criteria necessary for an evaluation to be considered “nondiscriminatory” under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.


Title: Parent Involvement under IDEA
Total Number of Slides: 23
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation was created by the State of Utah.  It addresses the following areas: definition of a “parent”, local education agency’s responsibilities to parents, notice of meetings, parental consent, signatures, and parent roles and responsibilities.

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Title:  Components of an IEP
Total Number of Slides:  7
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation gives a brief overview of the requirements of an IEP under IDEA.  Each slide explains one or more of the components that must be in a student's IEP under IDEA.

Title: Understanding IEPs
Total Number of Slides: 34
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation covers PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation covers an Overview of the IEP, Required Components of the IEP, Responsibility for IEP Development, Time Frame for Development IEP, Placement Decisions and the IEP, IEP Meetings, and Parent Participation.

Title: The IEP Process
Total Number of Slides: 11
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation was created by the State of Utah.  It is a short synopsis of the IEP process.

Title: Recognizing Measurable Objectives
Total Number of Slides: 8
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation was created by the State of Utah.  Upon completion, the reader should be able to identify the three parts of a measurable goal and label goals that are and are not measurable.

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Title:  Effective Co-Teaching Communication Skills
Total Number of Slides: 39
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation focuses on what it takes for teachers to collaborate effectively when co-teaching in the classroom.  It addresses: (1) Characteristics of Effective Interpersonal Feedback in Inclusion Classrooms (2) Co-Teaching Communication Conflicts; and (3) Personality Styles that Create Conflict between Co-Teachers.

Title:Step-by-Step to Understanding Inclusion
Total Number of Slides: 28
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation takes a step-by-step approach to understanding the necessary components on setting up and teaching in an inclusion classroom.  It covers practical topics, especially regarding communication among various professionals and parents in order to make inclusion work.

Title:  Highly Qualified Teachers
Total Number of Slides:
PowerPoint Description:  Highly Qualified Teachers is a powerpoint presentation that takes an indepth look at a new element in IDEA: its definition of "highly qualified teacher." State educational agencies (SEAs), local educational agencies (LEAs), parents, and community members have many questions and concerns about the requirements for highly qualified teachers. State and local agencies must develop ways to recruit and retain teachers with those qualifications, as well as encourage existing employees meet the requirements and become highly qualified. Parents and community members want the assurance that their children are receiving instruction from appropriately trained teachers. HQT is seen as integral in helping States to meet their requirements for adequate yearly progress (AYP) under the No Child Left Behind Act and, above all, to improve results for our children with and without disabilities.

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Total Number of Slides: 45 
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation provides a general overview of individuals with INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY.  Topic areas covered include:

  1. Definition
  2. Prevalence
  3. Levels of Intensities and Supports
  4. Degrees of ID
  5. Causes of ID
  6. Classroom Management Strategies


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Title: Early Intervening Services and Response to Intervention
Total Number of Slides:
PowerPoint Description:
Early Intervening Services and Response to Intervention is a great way to learn about and train others on these two new elements in IDEA. Early Intervening Services (EIS) are for K-12 students with academic or behavioral difficulties who are not yet identified as having a disability. Response to Intervention (RTI) is a new approach to identifying whether a student has a specific learning disability.

Title: Eligibility for Specific Learning Disabilities
Total Number of Slides: 22
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation was created by the State of Utah.  It focuses on the proposed regulations for the definition of a learning disability

Title: Identification of Children with Specific Learning Disabilities
Total Number of Slides: 33
PowerPoint Description: Identification of Children with Specific Learning Disabilities looks closely at the process by which schools identify that a children has a specific learning disability (LD).

Title: Specific Learning Disabilities - An Overview
Total Number of Slides: 61
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation provides a comprehensive overview of students with learning disabilities.  It addresses: the definition of LD, characteristics of students with learning disabilities, and educational implications of students with learning disabilities.

Title: Teaching Children with Learning Disabilities
Total Number of Slides: 38
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation presents a detailed description of learning disabilities. Topics covered include: Introduction and Definition under IDEA, Prevalence, Characteristics of Students with LD, and Teaching Strategies for Students with LD.

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Title: What is the Least Restrictive Environment
Total Number of Slides: 10
PowerPoint Description: This brief PowerPoint presentation explains the concept of the least restrictive environment, as defined by federal law (IDEA).  The majority of slides focus on possible LRE educational placements.  These placements include the general education classroom, resource room, self-contained classroom, separate schools/alternative schools, residential facilities, and hospitals. 

Title: Emotional Disturbance and the Least Restrictive Environment
Total Number of Slides: 14
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation focuses on the various types of educational placements where students with emotional and behavioral disorders are educated.  These placements include the general education classroom, resource room, self-contained classroom, separate schools/alternative schools, residential facilities, and hospitals.  Each placement is explained along with the associated prevalence rates

Title:  Step-by-Step to Understanding Inclusion
Total Number of Slides: 28
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation takes a step-by-step approach to understanding the necessary components on setting up and teaching in an inclusion classroom.  It covers practical topics, especially regarding communication among various professionals and parents in order to make inclusion work.

Title: Resource Rooms
Total Number of Slides: 38
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation takes a step-by-step approach to understanding the necessary steps to setting up and understanding basic principles of teaching in a resource room.  It covers practical topics including teaching, assessment, measuring objectives, and measuring progress.

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Title:How to Hold Successful Parent Conferences
Total Number of Slides: 18 slides
Power Point Description: This presentation will take you through the 3 stages necessary for a successful parent conference. These conferences play a pivotal role in a student’s success in school and allow the teacher and parents to comfortably work together.

Title: Parent Involvement in Special Education
Total Number of Slides: 23
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation presents an overview of related services in special education.  When children are identified for special education, various related services are available to them to help meet their needs.  These slides focus on the different types of related services and who is eligible to receive them.

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Title: Overview of Related Services
Total Number of Slides: 23
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation presents an overview of related services in special education.  When children are identified for special education, various related services are available to them to help meet their needs.  These slides focus on the different types of related services and who is eligible to receive them.

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Title:  Definition of Special Education
Total Number of Slides:  11
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation starts with an explanation of the definition of special education under IDEA.  Then, the categories of IDEA are listed for the reader to get an overview of students with disabilities.

Title:  History of Special Education
Total Number of Slides: 20
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation covers the history of special education from 1948 to the present.  It starts with a look at how schools denied children with disabilities many rights to an education.  Slides take the reader from Brown v. the Board of Education, the 1960s and civil rights cases, and into the 1970s for our first federal law for children in special education, The Education for All handicapped children’s Act, P.L. 94-142 (later reauthorized in 1990 to IDEA).

Title: Prevalence of Students in Special Education
Total Number of Slides: 8
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation provides a brief synopsis of the prevalence of students in special education.  It examines the “big 4” disabilities under IDEA, as well as looks at prevalence rates of all disability categories.

Title: Top 10 Basics of Special Education
Total Number of Slides: 
PowerPoint Description:  The Top 10 Basics of Special Education is a powerpoint presentation that welcomes everyone to IDEA. With these training materials, you can learn about and give trainings that include a quick overview to the 10 major steps in special education (three of which are evaluation, eligibility, and writing the IEP).

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Title: Annual Review
This slide presentation takes you through the steps required to be fully prepared when attending and presenting at an Annual Review meeting. The presentation will provide you with a list and explanation of the various materials that you will need to bring to this meeting.
Number of Slides: 22

Title: Triennial Process
This presentation will prepare you for your role in the triennial process. It will inform you of the materials and responsibilities required for special educators and provide you with a practical list to follow so that you will be as prepared as possible.
Number of Slides: 11

Title: Eligibility Evaluation
Total Number of Slides: 12
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation is a 12-silde review of the eligibility procedures and process for students going through the assessment process for a suspected disability

Title: The IEP Process
Total Number of Slides: 11
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation was created by the State of Utah.  It is a synopsis of the IEP process.

Title: Prior Written Notice for Meetings
Total Number of Slides: 13
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation was created by the State of Utah.  It is a synopsis of the two distinct types of notice, notice of meetings and prior written notice.  The contents of each and its significance is addressed.

Title: Roles and Responsibilities of the Special Education Teacher
Total Number of Slides:  11
PowerPoint Description:  This PowerPoint presentation provides nine different examples of the various roles that a special education teacher can have both in and outside of the school.

Title: Special Education Process—Part I
Total Number of Slides: 11
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of the first part of the special education process.  It focuses on the identification of a suspected disability, with an emphasis on child study teams and pre-referral strategies.

Title: Special Education Process—Part II
Total Number of Slides: 66
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation provides a very detailed description of the steps involved in the special education process.  Once a child is referred for assessment for a suspected disability, there are many steps that are required to take place, as defined by federal law (IDEA).  This presentation takes the reader through the steps of evaluation, diagnosis, committee meetings, and classification of a child for special education services.

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Title:Introduction to Resources Room
This presentation provides you with an overview of the resource room as a special education program. The presentation covers the roles and responsibilities of the special education teacher in the resource room.
Number of Slides: 38

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Title: Transition Services:  From School to Post-School Activities
Total Number of Slides: 35
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint was created by the State of Utah.  It describes what constitutes transition services, the different options for students when transitioning from school to post-school activities, and the different types of diplomas students in special education can receive upon being graduated from high school.

Title: Overview of Transition Services
Total Number of Slides: 27
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of transition services for students upon graduating high school.  Vocational skills, legal rights, recreational options, post secondary schooling, medical issues and other issues related to transition services are addressed.

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Title: Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States
Total Number of Slides:  19
Description:  This PowerPoint presentation was created by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in 2005.  Topics covered include: emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and deaths from various types of traumatic brain injuries.

Title: Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury
Total Number of Slides: 25
PowerPoint Description: This PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).  Topics covered include:  definition of TBI under IDEA, areas affected by TBI, prevalence of TBI, signs and symptoms of TBI, characteristics of students with TBI, and educational implications of TBI.

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