Exhibit 6 - Orthopedic Impairment - IEP Format WITH Explanations of the NASET Coding System and Guide Codes


Orthopedic Impairment  

 NASET Coding System and Guide IEP Format WITH Explanations


School District/Agency:  Lancaster School District

Name and Address:  Lancaster, PA

Section 1- Background Information

Student Name:          Lester Downs

Date of Birth: 2/5/09Age: 7

Street: 45 Lake Rd.

City:    Lancaster        Zip: 17685

Date of Referral for Committee Review: March 17, 2016
Telephone: 7680943            County of Residence: Lancaster

Male _X_ Female __ Student ID#: 3786T Current Grade: 2
Dominant Language of Student: English    Interpreter Needed: Yes___ No _X__

Medical Alerts: none

Mother’s Name/Guardian’s Name: Mary

Street Address: same

City:    same    Zip: same

Telephone: same        County of Residence:

Dominant Language of Parent/Guardian: English Interpreter Needed: Yes__ No_X_

Father's Name/Guardian's Name: Paul

Street Address: same

City:    same    Zip: same

Telephone: same        County of Residence: same

Dominant Language of Parent/Guardian: English Interpreter Needed: Yes__ No__X_

Section II-Type of Meeting:

A-Initial Evaluation

 1.   Date of Initial Evaluation Meeting:March 8, 2006

2.   Area of Suspected Disability- (NASET Coding System and Guide Level I Diagnosis)-Orthopedic Impairment

3.   Origin of Evaluation used in determining classification:

  • In-school ___X____ Non-school Personnel Evaluation __X___

4.   Components of Present Evaluation:

  • Individual Standardized Testing _____X____
  • Informal Assessment Measures ____X___ (i.e. Portfolio Assessment)
  • Observation ___X___
  • Social History ___X___
  • Teacher Reports ___X___
  • Interviews with Child ___X___
  • Review of Medical Records ___X____

5.    Specific Areas Covered in Evaluation:

  1. Intelligence Testing ___X____
  2. Academic Testing ___X___
  3. Medical Evaluation ____X____
  4. Speech Language Evaluation _______
  5. Occupational Evaluation ___X____
  6. Other (Be Specific) ________
  7. Audiometric Evaluation _______
  8. Psychiatric Evaluation _______
  9. Psychological Evaluation ____X___
  10. Portfolio Assessment ___X____
  11. Curriculum Based Assessment ___X____
  12. Authentic Assessment ___X_____
  13. Task Analysis ____X____
  14. Outcome Based Assessment ________
  15. Learning Styles Assessment _____X______

6.   Committee Recommendations:

Classification (NASET Coding System and Guide Coding):

Level I-Orthopedic Impairment                                                                  OI

Level II-Cerebral Palsy                                                                                OI 2.0

Lester suffers from cerebral palsy which is an umbrella-like term used to describe a group of chronic disorders impairing control of movement that appear in the first few years of life and generally do not worsen over time. The disorders are due to the effects of faulty development of or damage to motor areas in the brain that disrupts the brain's ability to control movement and posture. Symptoms of cerebral palsy include difficulty with fine motor tasks (such as writing or using scissors), difficulty maintaining balance or walking, involuntary movements. The symptoms differ from person to person and may change over time.

Level III-Spastic Cerebral Palsy                                                                 OI 2.04

Specifically, Lester has a type of cerebral palsy called spastic cerebral palsy which occurs when the muscles are too tight. Patients will have stiff and jerky movement and will often have difficulty letting go of something in their hand. Approximately half of all cerebral palsy sufferers have spastic cerebral palsy Spastic cerebral palsy is divided into subcategories.

Level IV                                                                                             Not Applicable

Level V                                                                                               Severe

This suggests that the Lester’s disability has a severe adverse effect on his or her educational performance. The student should receive special education and related services in a public or private separate day school for students with disabilities for more than 50% of the school day.

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