Long Term Goals, Short Term Objectives and Behavioral Objectives
Long Term Goals, Short Term Objectives and Behavioral Objectives
Table of Contents
Communication Skills
0501 Non-verbal Communication
0502 Speechreading
0503 Amplification
0504 Multisound
0505 Articulation
0506 Fluency
0507 Voice
0508 Phonology
0509 Auditory Training
0510 Social Communication
Health and Safety Skills
1201 Personal Welfare
1202 Family Living
Language Arts
0801 Language Arts Concepts and Processes
0802 Manuscript Writing
0803 Cursive Writing
0804 Spelling
0805 Grammar and Mechanics
0806 Composition and Writing
0807 Literature
Language DevelopmentSkills
0301 Early Language
0302 Language Syntax
0303 Language Content
0304 Receptive Language
0305 Expressive Language
Leisure Time Activity Skills
1401 Physical Activities
1402 Leisure Time
Life Skills
1501 Phone
1502 Mail
1503 Consumer Skills
1504 Public Dining
1505 Personal Mobility
1506 Cooking
1507 Home Maintenance
1508 Clothing Care
1509 Computer Applications
Math Skills
0901 Math Readiness
0902 Basic Number Systems
0903 Advanced Number Systems
0904 Processes and Concepts
0905 Time
0906 Money
0907 Basic Measurement
0908 Advanced Measurement
Perceptual Motor Skills
0201 Basic Gross Motor
0202 Advanced Gross Motor
0203 Fine Motor
0204 Visual Perceptual Motor
0205 Sensory Awareness
Reading Skills
0701 Reading Readiness
0702 Vocabulary and Word Analysis
0703 Comprehension and Appreciation
0704 Functional Reading
0705 Study and Reference Skills
Self Help Skills
0101 Basic Eating
0102 Advanced Eating
0103 Drinking
0104 Toileting
0105 Dressing
0106 Grooming
0107 Assistive Devices
Social Skills
0401 Self-related Behaviors
0402 Interpersonal Behaviors
0403 Task-related Behaviors
Visual Sensory Skills
0601 Visual Awareness
0602 Low Vision
0603 Basic Orientation and Mobility
0604 Advanced Orientation and Mobility
0605 Touch Typing
0606 Braille Readiness
0607 Braille Reading and Writing
0608 Basic Special Equipment Utilization
0609 Advanced Special Equipment
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Suggested Activities Table of Contents
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