NASET Survival Guides-old

NASET is proud to offer a series of Survival Guides geared towards the needs and concerns of all special educators involved in the education of children with special needs. These guides contain practical and useful information that can be utilized in every classroom to enhance learning, classroom management, educational performance, and teacher awareness. These guides contain practical and tried and true suggestions that we have developed and collected over the years.

NASET has kept the cost of these Survival Guides low so that they can be added to any teacher’s professional library without significant expense. The limited fees for these Survival Guides in no way reflect the professional quality of the guides and the excellent quality of the content provided.

At NASETwe are aware of the tremendous responsibilities, workload, and stress on all educators working in the field of special education. As a result, we are all dedicated to ensuring that teachers receive the best possible resources when working with exceptional children and their parents.

Our research suggests that special educators want answers and direction using best practices and techniques. That is why we have streamlined all our Survival Guides with recommendations and information that can be used immediately in the classroom. We have written these guides in practical useful language, avoiding fancy jargon that may confuse any issues at hand. Finally, these guides can be shared with parents so they can also understand the challenges faced by special educators, while also seeing practical real-world application of suggestions and recommendations that can be used for their children in the classroom.

While NASET will continue to add to these guides, below you will find links to the guides that are presently available.

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For a limited time NASET is providing a free copy of one of our survival guides. 

Just use the link below to direct you to the free copy.

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Adapting Curriculum for Students with Special Needs

The NASET Survival Guide on Adapting Curriculum for Students with Special Needs will provide you with a variety of procedures, recommendations, adaptations, modifications, and changes to the curriculum that will increase the chances of a student’s success on a given task. The main goal of teaching is to have the student be able to complete the task, and to be successful. This Survival Guide will assist you in accomplishing these goals.  Learn More 

Building Student Confidence in the Classroom

The NASET Survival Guide Building Student Confidence in the Classroom.

Many theories of learning usually consider the function of the brain and how information is processed. Further, most theories of learning assume that there is an existing foundation on which to build. While the success of human learning is a result of many factors coming together at one time, there is a major factor required upon which all learning needs to be built: namely confidenceLearn More 

Classroom Management Tool Kit

The NASET Survival Guide Classroom Management Tool Kit 

The Classroom Management Tool Kit focuses on practical and productive techniques that can be used in a variety of behavior crisis situations that may occur in a classroom. Teachers have told us that one of their major concerns has been dealing with severe behavior problems in the classroom.

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Discipline of Students with Special Needs in Schools

The NASET Survival Guide:  Discipline of Students with Special Needs in Schools

Discipline of Students with Special Needs in Schools provides specific discipline procedures included in the law. Those discipline procedures addressed how public agencies could respond to behavioral infractions of children with disabilities. They were also rather complicated. You'll be pleased to hear that those procedures have been revised in the 2004 Amendments to IDEA and that disciplinary processes have been streamlined.

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How Teacher Personality and Style Affects the Growth of Self Confidence in Students

The NASET Survival Guide:  How Teacher Personality and Style Affects the Growth of Self Confidence in Students

Increasingly, teachers are becoming a primary influence in children’s lives, and in some cases, they may be the only healthy adults some children encounter during the day. Twenty-five years ago, family structures were different, and teachers did not require the depth and variety of social/emotional skills that are required of today’s teachers. Teachers today are not only educators, but therapists, parent substitutes, mentors, advocates, and more.

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Overview & Preparation for the Annual and Triannial Reviews

The NASET Survival Guide:  Overview & Preparation for the Annual and Triannial Reviews

Each year the IEP Committee is required to review the child’s existing IEP and present program. During this process, the Eligibility Committee will make recommendations upon review of records that will continue, change, revise or end the child’s special education program.  Based on these findings, the Eligibility Committee IEP Committee, CSE etc.) will adjust the IEP and recommendations to the Board of Education. Further, a student’s IEP must be reviewed, and revised, if necessary, at least annually and more often if needed.

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