The Disparity of Early Intervention Services for Minority Families

By Iris DeVaughn

This issue of NASET’s Early Intervention series was written by Iris DeVaughn. Early intervention services, which are services that are provided to children exhibiting developmental delays under the age of three, have been proven to be successful interventions that help children attain later school success (Bierman, Heinrichs, Welsh, Nix, & Gest, 2017). However, research has found that there has been a disparity in the usage and availability of services, and that minority children are less likely to receive early intervention services when compared to their Caucasian peers (Burchinal et al., 2011). This disparity in early interventions has been perpetuated by several causes, such as families lacking necessary information about how to attain services for their child. School leaders can help to end this disparity in their communities by educating the public on signs of developmental delays as well as how to attain early intervention services.

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