February 2021 - Special Educator e-Journal

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Special Education Legal Alert

By Perry A. Zirkel

© January 2021

This month’s update identifies recent court decisions of general significance, specifically addressing (a) FAPE via another case in the direct line after Endrew F., and (b) employee rights emanating from the special education context, here via the case of a terminated teacher during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.  For related information about both broad issues, see perryzirkel.com.

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    Buzz from the Hub

    All articles below can be accessed through login:

    • Gathering and Training en Masse
    • Native American Resource Collection
    • Talking about Race
    • Disproportionality in Special Education: Training Modules for Centers
    • OSEP Fast Facts: IDEA 45th Anniversary
    • IDEA Presentation Materials at Your Fingertips
    • Do you know the History of the Parent Centers?
    • Creating Effective Partnerships to Improve Early Intervention | Webinar
    • It’s Official: National Test Is Postponed Due to COVID-19 Concerns
    • GAO Report: Challenges Providing Services to K-12 English Learners and Students with Disabilities during COVID-19
    • Map: Where Are Schools Closed?
    • Why School Board Diversity Matters
    • Playtime’s Guide to Activities Families Can Do Together
    • Self-Care in the Time of Coronavirus
    • Holidays During the Pandemic

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    Utilizing Technology to Train and Implement Functional Behavior Assessments: A Brief Review of the Literature

    Kimberly J. Soderholm


    With the passing of The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA 2004) Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs) became a mandated step when excluding students from the educational setting due to challenging behaviors. IDEA directed that preventative rather than punitive action be implemented.  Explicit procedures for completing FBAs are not outlined in the legislation. The purpose of this brief literature review is to investigate the validity of utilizing technology to expand the skill base of stakeholders who are tasked with implementing Functional Behavior Assessments.

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    “Looking Beyond What You See”: An Article Review

    Samantha Ashley Forrest

    Have you ever thought about the saying “looks can be deceiving”? This saying refers to what we see with our eyes, might not always be true. “Looking Beyond What You See” focuses on the video about educators reflecting back on their analysis while interacting with their students (McVee, 2018). The chapters give real examples of what educators see with their students. These narratives are then broken down and put into different perspectives based on cultural of power scenarios.

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    Reading Intervention

    Charity L. Kinneer, Ed.S.

    By the time a student reaches high school, it is understood that they should have at least acquired basic reading skill.  But what happens when they don’t?  More and more students are entering into the secondary classroom with little to no basic understanding of how to read and comprehend print.  With the formation of Milestone and End of Course Tests, high school teachers are held to certain standards that must be met within the classroom, leaving little time to teach reading remediation.  These non-readers struggle across subjects and often end up repeating courses required for graduation.  So, what is the answer?   How can the secondary school truly and effectively meet the needs of this particular population of students? 

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    Mentoring Prospective and Current Individuals with Disabilities in Higher Education

    As a civil rights issue, it is critical that educators who are mentors in higher education institutions are aware of the available accommodations and supports provided to students with disabilities. Snyder, Brey, and Dillow (2019) found nineteen percent of undergraduates in the 2015–16 schoolyear reported having a disability, and the number of students with disabilities in higher education is growing. Thus, mentors of prospective and current individuals with disabilities in higher education must be familiar with the process for obtaining supports and modifications to ensure student needs are met.

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      Book Review: Time for Change: 4 Essential Skills for Transformational School and District Leaders

      Melanie Calise

      Both Anthony Muhammad and Luis Cruz believe that the most vital asset to an organization is the human resource. The leader of the company is responsible for managing these resources by working to create organization and motivate people throughout the process of change. Muhammad and Cruz also believe that leadership is a skill. Leadership is not something you are, it is something you do and have to continuously work at it. As stated by Muhammad and Cruz, “We believe that schools will have the best chance to significantly impact student outcomes if they develop transformational leaders- leaders who understand that their behavior significantly contributes to their schools, districts, families, communities, and world” (Pg. 5). Muhammad and Cruz place a big emphasis on relationships and how the behaviors of leaders have an effect on relationships.

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        Book Review – Hacking Leadership: 10 Ways Great Leaders Inspire Learning That Teachers, Students, and Parents Love

        Lauren Bacus

        In a profession such as education, strong, effective leadership is one of the most critical aspects within an entire school district, throughout a school building, and within each classroom. Learning and developing leadership skills does not just apply to school board members, superintendents, and administrators, etc. As Michael Fullan (2001) stated in his book, Leading in a Culture of Change, “Ultimately, your leadership in a culture of change will be judged as effective or ineffective not by who you are as a leader but what leadership you produce in others” (p. 137). In searching for a book geared towards developing critical skills that make up effective leaders and establish a thriving culture within schools, Hacking Leadership: 10 Ways Great Leaders Inspire Learning That Teachers, Students, and Parents Love by Dr. Joe Sanfelippo and Dr. Tony Sinanis (2016) was an easy choice. Administrators, teachers, and support staff alike are able to take away incredible ideas for not only contributing to a positive, collaborative culture change throughout a school, but also how to incorporate the same elements discussed by the authors to enhance individual classroom cultures.

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          Latest Employment Opportunities Posted on NASET 

          * SETSS (Special Education Teacher Support Services) Teacher - At Zeta, we pursue an unprecedented combination of high academic achievement and social-emotional development. We insist that every child receives a world-class education while fostering a love for learning. We are changing the public education landscape for all of New York City’s children, and we are uncompromising in our mission. To learn more - Click here

          * Special Education Teacher - $60,000/school year (185 days), summers off with year-round pay and year round appreciation. Special Education Teachers needed in Arizona (Phoenix and surrounding cities). Needs are in the self-contained and resource settings serving students with emotional disabilities (ED), Autism (A), Severe/Profound (S/P), and Intellectual Disabilities (ID). STARS is the largest school contract agency in AZ.  You will be an employee and receive full benefits. To learn more - Click here

          * Special Education Director - 15,000 student school district is looking for special education leader.  27J Schools is one of the fastest growing school districts in Colorado and located in the North Denver Metro Area - 30 minutes from Denver and Boulder and adjacent to Denver International Airport. The Director of Special Education is responsible for the leadership, supervision, guidance and support for all school support staff providing services to students with disabilities across special populations, including preschool. To learn more - Click here

          * Special Education Teachers - All areas - We are looking for highly motivated and skilled talent to join our team at District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS). We seek individuals who are passionate about transforming the DC school system and making a signi?cant di?erence in the lives of public school students, parents, principals, teachers, and central o?ce employees. To learn more - Click here

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          Portions of this or previous month’s NASET’s Special Educator e-Journal were excerpted from:

          • Center for Parent Information and Resources
          • Committee on Education and the Workforce
          • FirstGov.gov-The Official U.S. Government Web Portal
          • Journal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals (JAASEP)
          • National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth
          • National Institute of Health
          • National Organization on Disability
          • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
          • U.S. Department of Education
          • U.S. Department of Education-The Achiever
          • U.S. Department of Education-The Education Innovator
          • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
          • U.S. Department of Labor
          • U.S. Food and Drug Administration
          • U.S. Office of Special Education

            The National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET) thanks all of the above for the information provided for this or prior editions of the Special Educator e-Journal

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