Innovations International Charter School of Nevada

School Description:

At Innovations, we believe our students and families have unique backgrounds and talents that enrich our diverse learning community. Including our students, staff, and families in our school's culture, our students graduate with college and career readiness skills. This engaged learning defines our motto: Educating for Life. 

Innovations, believes that all children are capable of learning, so we use inclusive education to facilitate and maintain the education of all children regardless of their abilities and backgrounds. All children are in the same age-appropriate classrooms receiving high-quality instruction, interventions, and supports to meet their social, emotional, and academic needs. Placing them in the least restrictive environment, the classroom, means they are able to build relationships with other students while learning to accept, understand, and interact with others around them.

Students/Disabilities Served:

Innovations works with students ages 5 - 18 who have been identified as a student having a disability under one of the thirteen categories defined by the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The more prevalent categories that are typically found at our school would be specific learning disability, speech/language impairment, other health impairment, autism, intellectual disability, visual impairment, and multiple disabilities. 

Service Provided:

Through our inclusive model, Innovations provides services in and out of the classroom to assist students having documented disabilities as well as identified at-risk learners. Our staff work in a one-on-one environment, small group settings, and also model teaching techniques working alongside classroom instructors in core content instruction. We work with a modified pull-out system when students need intensive intervention or providing testing accommodations. 

  • Counseling

  • Social Worker

  • Occupational Therapy

  • Speech/Language Therapy

  • Visual Impairment Services

  • English Language Learners Services

  • Documented Health Services

  • Student Mentoring Services

  • Tutorial Programs

Contact Information:

**Charter School Award Recipient

Innovations International Charter School of Nevada
**Oakey Campus (K-6)
1600 E. Oakey Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89104
Telephone # 702-216-4337

Innovations International Charter School of Nevada
City Impact Center (7-12)
950 E. Sahara Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89104
Telephone # 702-216-4337