Code of Ethics
Preamble - Statement of Purpose
The Code of Ethics of the National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET) established principles and guidelines to enhance practice and inspire professional excellence. Members of NASET must recognize a responsibility to children with special needs, their parents, the community, to other professionals, and to themselves.
NASET adheres to the idea that a commonly held set of principles can aid in the individual exercise of professional judgment. The Code of Ethics speaks to the core values of the profession.
The term "NASET Members" as used throughout represents all members of the National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET)
The following Six Principles adopted by the National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET) are not laws, but standards of ethical behavior and conduct. Adherence to this Code of Ethics is a binding condition of membership in National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET)
Principle 1: NASET Members nurture the academic, psychological, physical, and social potential of children with special needs
1-A. NASET Members promote growth in all students through the integration of academic, psychological, physical, and social learning.
1-B. NASET Members respect the inherent dignity and worth of the children with whom they work
1-C. NASET Members help children with special needs to value their own identity, learn more about their disabilities, and help them reflect on their own learning and connect it to their life experience.
Principle 2:NASET Members apply their professional knowledge to create a professional and supportive environment for children with special needs.
2-A. NASET Members apply their professional knowledge to promote student success.
2-B. NASET Members develop and implement programs based upon a strong understanding of human development and learning theory.
2-C. NASET Members advocate for necessary resources for students to achieve their highest level of success
2-D. NASET Members strive to ensure access to needed information, services, and resources for children with special needs.
Principle 3:NASET Members commit to their own learning in order to develop their professional development.
3-A. NASET Members recognize that professional knowledge and development are the foundations of their practice.
3-B. NASET Members know their subject matter and respect the reciprocal nature of learning between themselves and the children with whom they work.
3-C. NASET Members engage in a variety of individual and collaborative learning experiences essential to develop professionally, drawing on and contributing to various forms of educational research to improve their own practice.
3-D. NASET Members practice within their areas of competence and develop and enhance their professional expertise.
3-E. NASET Members pursue knowledge of new developments and maintain competence in their respective fields through education, training, or supervised experience.
Principle 4:NASET Members respect, support, and collaborate with colleagues and other professionals in the interest of children with special needs with whom they work.
4-A. NASET Members encourage and support their colleagues to build and maintain high standards.
4-B. NASET Members respect fellow professionals and work to maintain a collegiality with the individuals in their respective professions.
4-C. NASET Members shall not maliciously injure the professional reputation or practice of colleagues.
4-D. NASET Members shall not make false or malicious statements regarding a colleague's competence, performance, or professional capabilities.
Principle 5: NASET Members collaborate with parents of children with special needs and community, building trust and respecting confidentiality.
5-A. NASET Members cooperate with community agencies in using resources and building comprehensive services in support of children with specials needs.
5-B. NASET Members partner with parents of children with special needs and other members of the community to enhance programs for children with special needs.
5-C. NASET Members understand how cultural diversity, family dynamics, gender, and community shape the lives of the individuals with whom they collaborate.
5-D. NASET Members understand that relationships between and among people are an important vehicle for change.
5-E. NASET Members respect the private nature of the special knowledge they have about children and their families and use that knowledge only in the students' best interests.
Principle 6:NASET Members advance the intellectual and ethical foundation of the learning community.
6-A. NASET Members recognize the obligations of the trust placed in them.
6-B. NASET Members are confidantes, mentors and advocates for growth and development.
6-C. NASET Members recognize that they are role models for children, youth and the public.
6-D. NASET Members are continually aware of the mission, values, ethical principles, and ethical standards of NASET, and practice in a manner consistent with them.
6-E. NASET Members always seek to maintain the highest level of professionalism, integrity, and competence when working with children, youth parents, professionals, and all other members of society.