Use of Art/Art Work and Cognitive Skill for the Rehabilitation of Special Children of 4-9 Years of Age

Zubair Hina


Art work/art therapy enhances cognitive skill because it helps to increase learning difficulties, social and perceptional skills; memory development and also helps special children to gain self-awareness. This research is focused on the artwork and cognitive skill used for the rehabilitation through different art activities. Mild category of special children was selected. Statistics was collected from eight schools and schools were chosen on convenient basis. Ten children were selected from each school. Thus the total sample was 80.Different exercise sheets and flash cards were prepared for different activities. Data was analyzed on cognitive levels and these levels were designed on the basis of performance. It was found by the research that rehabilitation through art activities improves cognitive function, conceptual and perceptual skills, moving patients towards self-preoccupation; and, literacy skills. Conclusion of the study is that the art therapy increases the possibilities of long-term success in life of a special child. 

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