Author Guidelines for Submission to JAASEP

AASEP welcomes manuscript submissions at any time.  Authors are completely responsible for the factual accuracy of their contributions and neither the Editorial Board of JAASEP nor the American Academy of Special Education Professionals accepts any responsibility for the assertions and opinions of contributors. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to quote lengthy excerpts from previously-published articles.

Authors will be notified of the receipt of their manuscripts within 7 business days of their arrival and can expect to receive the results of the review process within 60 days.

All submissions must have a cover letter indicating that the manuscript has not been published, or is not being considered for publication any where else, in whole or in substantial part.  On the cover letter be sure to include your name, your address, your email address, and your phone number.

As much as possible, typescript should conform to the following:

• Method of Manuscript Submission:  Send Manuscripts should be submitted electronically with the words "JAASEP Submission" in the subject line.

• Language:  English

• Document:  Microsoft Word

• Font:  Times New Roman or Arial

• Size of Font:  12 Point

• Page Limit:  None

• Margins:  1” on all sides

• Title of paper: Top of page Capitals, bold, centered,

• Author(s) Name: Centered under title of paper

• Format:  Feature Manuscripts should follow the guidelines of sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 2010).

• Figures and Tables:  All should be integrated in the typescript.

• Abstract:  An abstract of not more than 150 words should accompany each submission.

• References:  Insert all references cited in the paper submitted on a Reference Page

Submission of Articles: Submissions should be forwarded by electronic mail to the Editor, Dr. George Giuliani  at


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